Day to Day
by Laura Boeff

 Elsie Chapman leaned on the rail in the early morning light, watching the scene below. It was actually promising to be a beautiful day. The smog was slight, allowing the sun to shine bright, cutting through the lessening clouds in warm fingers of brilliance. The seagulls called across the water that lapped against the dock, and in the distant boat horns called out as life in the city started for yet another day.
 If this was not enough to inspire her to awe, then the sight she was witnessing was. Godzilla was sitting in a hunkered down crouch, half in and half out of the water on their boat ramp. The massive lizard was settled on all fours, head cocked curiously as Nick tended a long cut running between two of Godzilla's foreclaws.
 The young biologist was all but lost standing between the splayed toes. Moving with a complete ease around the thirty story lizard.
 Elsie shook her head. When had this become a normal sight? Never in her wildest imaginings did she ever think she'd be watching one of her friends tinkering about a monster in absolute comfort. Well, Nick could be absolutely comfortable, he was probably the only person on earth Godzilla wouldn't eat for lunch.
 Godzilla let out a warning rumble and Else frowned as Nick stopped his worked.
 "I know it hurts, big guy, but it'll feel better in a moment," he assured, rubbing a hand comfortingly over a massive knuckle. The reptilian finger shifted, the three foot long claw gouging into the cement with a shearing sound.
 "Easy, big guy, easy," Nick cooed. "Almost done." With that, he disappeared again, and Godzilla shifted so he could watch. Elsie did too, but her angle on the boat house roof restricted the view. It wasn't helping that there was a giant lizard head also getting in the way.
 She knew Godzilla would never willingly hurt Nick, but it still set her nerves on edge when that serrated muzzle got close to him. Elsie could freely admit to herself that she liked Nick. Really liked him.
 The sigh left her on its own accord. Though he didn't return the feelings. At least, not strong enough to break up his other relationship, though there were moments. She shoved them aside. Life was complicated enough without waiting for a miracle to happen. If things were going to happen, they would, in their own time.
 "All done," Nick announced, stepping clear off the spread toes. Godzilla watched his retreat, then lifted the injured forefoot, sniffing at the antiseptic area. He let out a noncommittal rumble, flexing the three toes.
 Nick said nothing, watching with a look of utter contentment. He no longer tried to put on the air of distracted interest where Godzilla was involved. He accepted his adopted fatherhood with all the fierce zeal of a real parent. Elsie chuckled. At least the first Godzilla's only surviving child had latched on to the best possible human parent. Nick had moved heaven and earth to protect Godzilla. Just without the collateral damage Godzilla did when returning the favor.
 With a slow blink, Godzilla let out a happy bark that rattle the window glass and made Elsie flinch in it's intensity. Nick laughed, even as the mammoth head dipped down  and the young man was lost in an enwrapping pink tongue. A moments fear gripped Elsie at the sight, but Godzilla did nothing more then deliver a sloppy lick that left Nick absolutely dripping wet.
 "Lizard spit," he moaned dramatically. "Some thanks. Go, go to the water," he ordered, smiling despite his rancid condition. Godzilla let out his own amused rumble, levering himself up, a massive wall of muscle and bone that blocked out the sun.
 "Go and be careful," Nick called as Godzilla swung about, tail well clear of the boat house. With a last happy rumble he plunged into the bay, sending waves crashing along the length of the dock. Elsie leaned over to watch Nick attempt to swipe some of the spit from his hair.
 "You know, there are easier ways to take a bath," she couldn't resist yelling. He looked up her with his typical half amused, half annoyed smile.
 "Yea, but who's going to argue with Godzilla?" he demanded and she laughed, pushing herself free from the rail.
 'Only you, Nick.' she thought lovingly to herself. 'Only you.'